Woaahh, really, I can’t express my happiness and excitement today! My dearest sister officially graduated from her bachelor study with a cumlaude. The ceremony was held this morning with the others 1700+ graduates at Grha Sabha Pramana Gadjah Mada University. Although I was really tired because I hadn’t enough sleep yesterday and I had many works to do, but I was happy that I still had time to come and celebrate my sister’s precious day today. I’ve always been her admirer since I was a little, and today, she made me admire and proud of her even more. She is my never ending inspiration! I knew, being a doctor is her dream from elementary school, and there’s still a long way to go. But I believe, she can do it! And I’ll always pray for it. I hope she’ll never lose her hope, always work hard, not afraid of new challenges, and never forget our parents and pray to God. Once again, I really wanna tell her that I’m so happy for her and CONGRADUATION, A. A. AYU PUTRI KHRISNAWATI!
Nabila Shahnaz // May 18, 2016 at 4:12 pm
Wowww, congrats for your sister!! 😉
Mifta Dian Pratiwi // May 18, 2016 at 9:58 pm
congratulations for your sister!
a.a.ayu.i // May 18, 2016 at 10:29 pm
yeayy makasi byk ubilll miftaakk